Most Attractive Part Time Jobs for Office Worker, Teenagers and Students (Legitimate Ways)

Here are the most attractive part time jobs for office worker, teenagers and students. If you have a lot of free time and wanting to challenge yourself then you can try to earn extra money.
October is coming near! One year already ends! How much have you earned so far?
Usually, office workers, teenagers or students have a lot of free time and want to have a part time job to increase their income. They also might want to challenge themselves in a new field. Who knows that it might be the right path and become the main job?
Therefore, office workers, teenagers or students are always wondering:
- How to earn more extra money?
- How to do business as an office worker, a teen, a student or housewife?
- What to do to earn extra income for office workers, teenagers, students, etc?
Therefore, part-time jobs for office workers, teenagers, students…is not new. Below are some legitimate and effective ways to earn extra money for you (even you’re beginner) in 2018. And we think it’s still trending in 2019.
Why should office workers, teenagers or students have a part-time job?
Of course because of money. Then followed by passion and self-challenge.
The reason is unstable income, which means other sources of income are required to increase the total income:
- Income from salary and part-time jobs are not high
- High expenses from family and life: living expense, food expense, traveling expense, etc.
- Taking a long time to save for buying houses, cars, etc.
- Still have free time at office, class, home
- Stressed because of boring jobs
- Free time in the evening.
- Have a desire to challenge, explore and earn more money.
- etc
If you are in above situations, besides traditional means of saving money, try to find another job to increase your income.
Part-time jobs are pretty diverse (many idea jobs). If you arrange your time properly, besides working and studying times, you can increase your income and control your finance in the future.
However, the best and the most effective part-time job can only be good when you consider:
- Time and health. If you are busy with your main job and usually finish late, then rest and focus on it
- Investment capital. Part-time jobs don’t usually require capitals, but there are some steps needed to be taken, which can ask you to invest a small amount of membership fees.
We divide into 2 contemporary main methods of making money:
- Traditional method: make money but not using online tools (computer, tablet, phone, etc)
- Making Money Online (MMO): make money from jobs on the internet via computer or internet connected devices.
You can select a suitable method of making money depending on your ability, time and fund.
A side occupation can bring you tens of dollars, even thousands of dollars every month if you do it well. However, if this is to be your job, then you need to serious and balance between your job and your life. Don’t let it affect your health, relationship and life in general.
Here are the part-time jobs for office workers, students, teens, moms…
1. Online business
Digital technology triumphs. Selling online and doing business online are considered to be a great source of income for many people.
This suits office workers, teens, students, etc as doing business is a trend. There’s also one saying “No business, no money”.
Thus, you should not miss incredible opportunities of selling online.
The advantage of selling online is that you don’t need to rent a store, staffs. You don’t need to invest a huge amount of money and can also take charge of the time.
Furthermore, office workers, teenagers, students… tend to work with computers thus selling online and checking orders would be suitable
Firstly, you need to find a suitable product to sell online. After that, take advantage of your free time at home or at work to sell the product on online selling channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Forum, Websites (ClickBank, Ebay, Amazon, etc)
Having a good marketing strategy and a hardworking mind can help you earn a significant amount. It can be a stable source of income on a long-term as well.
2. Open a store or stake for business
If you are a businessman in your blood, able to arrange your time, have a business partner and a great amount of investments, then you can choose this method of making money.
Work in partnership with your friends, colleagues, relatives by the means of joining money and efforts to build such stores as: restaurants, café, clothing stores, etc.
What’s more, franchising is becoming very developed in a variety of forms: café, McDonald, KFC, etc or some other start-up forms or products that you can find out more.
Franchising is only for those who have capitals and a passion for business. You will get support from products, technology to marketing strategy from the brand owner.
Based on it, you can hire your family member and manager to be in charge of everyday after work. There’s no need to quit the job to take care of the store.
3. Work as a blog associate
If you have a talent for writing and have the knowledge of the society or any field, you can apply to be a content/copywriter for websites, write advertisements, write contents for Facebook fanpage, write SEO (you can find these positions at hiring websites or websites specializing in online marketing), write reviews for products (share your experience or feeling on the product or service of the company to provide customers with the advantage of the product).
Ladies can write posts in the field of consulting, entertainment, beauty, fashion, health, etc. Men can write about technology, cars, sport, etc.
Regularly, your income depends on the employer. They can pay for every article or every month based on: number of articles, length of article, article topic, etc
To perform this job well, you have to:
- Have a capability and passion for writing
- Invest your time in learning, training, broadening knowledge and vocabulary. Be diverse and avoid repeating. Have a desire to improve yourself
- Have an understanding of the product, market and competitors, as well as market’s trend
- Prioritizing those who are excelled in language
- Have knowledge on online marketing and IT as well as SEO
- Have a computer and technology devices to write.
You can combine writing with data entry job, which is also good.
Or you can start a blog for yourself (passion and earning also). This would be sweet in the future.
4. Translating
If you are good at languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, etc) and a good way of writing, you can choose to be a translator for online newspaper or translation center where translators are always demanded.
You can choose based on the ability to translate texts, you can translate a text in a foreign language into English and vice versa
Being a translator is quite flexible, which doesn’t depend on where you work. You can receive the projects through email and submit before deadline, which is quite suitable for those who are free and want to earn more money.
Especially, you can have a stable income if the employer provides a stable income.
For such unpopular languages as Italian, Spanish, etc income will be much higher.
The requirement to perform the job well is that you are a graduate from linguistics field, have experience for translating and language certificates. The most important thing is the quality of the translation.
5. Working as a tutor or coach
If you specialize in pedagogy or have confidence in a particular field: pedagogy, music, language, sport, consulting, etc, take the advantage to make money after work or at weekends.
Those who specialize in gym or yoga can become coaches at Fitness or Yoga Center. Incomes are definitely greatly attractive
You can learn more about Rype (Coaching – Training)
These jobs usually take place at nighttime or weekends and require you to have a professional level to teach.
6. Finance or Insurance associate
Another side occupation that many office workers, finance, accountancy and banking students and those who like business choose is to be an associate for a finance or insurance company.
Because they can take advantage of their knowledge and experiences in their field as well as customer lists, therefore it’s easier for them to gain access to finance and insurance products and services.
These transactions can be conducted via phone or meeting outside your working time with customers.
Some outstanding people earn up to ten thousands of dollars every year on average thanks to the number of contracts that they sign, the more contracts that they sign, the more commissions they earn from the contract. Especially, if you are a sociable guy that connects with many people, make use of it to gain more profits and also be able to help relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc
7. Work as a photographer
This job is suitable for those who have a passion and knowledge of photography. At the beginning, you can charge a cheap price to earn more experiences.
Nowadays, the demand of photography, outdoors marriage photography or personal photo album is increasing
If you have specialty in photography, you will definitely have a great income.
The advantage of this side occupation is that you don’t need to own a glorious studio with expensive lightning accessories. You just need a professional camera and know how to take good photos for customers.
You can arrange to work on Saturday, Sunday or outside working time. Moreover, you can have a chance to travel to a lot of places to observe magnificent landscape.
8. Work as a finance, insurance or law consultant
This job is suitable for those who have a great knowledge of a particular field: accountancy, logistics, advertising, laws, insurance or selling, etc
This job can bring you a great amount of income if you do it well. You should take advantage of this to find a part-time job and do consulting
The requirement is that you have to be able to communicate, present problems and provide customers with the best consults
Example: Insurance consulting is a part-time job favored by a lot of people because it is a professional job and the time is flexible.
9. Shipper
Shipper is a very important transporting team in the time of e-commerce between sellers and customers. Normally big companies or shops make use of professional transporting service such as USPS, FedEx, etc. But for small companies and shops, they prefer to hire a team of shippers for their service, guaranteeing that products are delivered on time.
If you have a bike, motorcycle, phone and some free time and are fluent in roads, you can choose to be a shipper. Your job is to contact shops or owners to take products and deliver them to customers
You can contact shops that need fast delivery or participate in shipping groups on Facebook to find orders.
10. Serve at cafes or fast-food restaurants
If you are hardworking then serving in cafes or fast-food restaurants is ideal job outside working hours, especially for students. You can work in shifts, have a flexible schedule, don’t need to have much experience or worry that you are bilked. You can also enhance your communicating and be more flexible skill in a civilized environment.
Furthermore, stable income is why many people choose this job. If you work at fast-food restaurants or cafes, you can earn up to $5-$20/hour.
You can combine this work along with making the shipper for their shop that’s great.
11. Take care of gardens and pets
There are many families having a desire to have their gardens taken care of: cutting grass in spring or summer, weeding in autumn or moving dirt in winter. These owners definitely want to hire a helper instead of a landscape company, which costs a lot more.
If you’re an animal lover you can take care of other’s pets. You can walk dogs, take care of cats or even horses. A lot of owners don’t feel well to leave the pets at home without taking care of all the time, and they are willing to pay you to take care of them. Would you love to be a friend of pets?
These are wonderful jobs with great income.
12. Be a photo model or PG
This is a job for those who have a pretty face, an ideal cute and unique appearance… (especially teenagers). You can see that many shops and companies are looking for photo models or PG (Promotion Girl) for their products and events, etc. They need beauties to advertise their products and brand. This is a very practical form of advertising.
The job requires you to put on gorgeous outfits to advertise for products of shop or company in marketing events, or just need to stand by the product they represent. Pose and express in a way that helps produce eye-catching photos, attract viewers and glorify the product.
With this kind of job you will be paid every hour or day depending on different system. Nevertheless, the salary is very attractive, which can be described as a “light job with great income”. Besides, being a photo model or PG also helps you to practice your confidence when standing and speaking in public.
Imagine that you are standing in front of a crowd and advertise for a product you haven’t known before. You will be more confident after a few times.
It might sound easy, but this job is quite exhausting, requiring you to take photos constantly. Your skin and hair are also affected due to continuous change of concepts.
13. Make Money Online (MMO)
MMO or Make Money Online. You may come across many legit ways to make money online at our blog (for beginner, newbie also). To put it simple, you make money on the internet and get paid via PayPal, Payoneer, Moneybookers…
There are many ways to MMO with a very large MMO community. Any job that makes money from the Internet are called MMO.
Nevertheless, we will divide it here, in order to help you gain an insight into MMO.
Some MMO methods that many people choose:
- Freelance websites
- Affiliate Marketing
- Blogging
- Youtube
- Dropshipping
- …
For example you have an ability in programming, designing, mastering using design tools on Internet. You can choose below online jobs:
- Program software, design websites based on customers need
- Fix app, website errors
- Design logo, banner: many people earn hundreds of dollars thanks to quality logos. If you know how to use Photoshop, Adobe, Illustrator or photo editing software you may want to try with this field.
- Design theme: this is a hot job nowadays because website managers usually spend a lot of time looking for theme templates that are default created according to their demand. If you are good and have experiences you can earn a lot of money from this job
- …
Because you can work from afar therefore opportunities are always there for you to be a part-time worker and a significant source of income.
You can choose a suitable field depending on your skill. With a side occupation you totally can control your time and if you go the right path, you can even earn up to hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month.
For details on MMO, you can find articles at our blog.
How can you find these part-time jobs
The need for part-time jobs is a lot and finding one nowadays is not very difficult.
The important thing is that you have to specify your skill and the ability to finish the task: time, health, capital, relationship, etc in order to pick up a suitable part-time job.
Just like looking for a job, below are some methods to help you find a suitable job:
- Search for jobs on my hiring websites (Linkedin,,, Freelancer, Upwork…): instead of hiring long-term workers, some companies only hire collaborators to cut down on expenses.
- Depend on relationships: colleagues, friends, relatives
- Join social media groups such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…
- Find specific jobs on searching tools Google, Bing, etc
- Attend seminars, events
- …
We wish you find a suitable part time job and earn money from the side occupation.
Don’t forget to like and share our article if it is useful to you.
Howard Lipkovitch
Hi LaRonda,We are currently waiting on the State to approve our license again here in Colorado.We’ll be available most likely in Mid to Late April here in Colorado (all major dispensaries)
Miranda Schorr
That’s a cunning answer to a chglienalng question
Thanks for the detailed information. I really appreciate your diligence
Yes thx.