Should we Buy YouTube Views? Where to Buy Views for YouTube Video (Cheap & Real)?

Should you buy views for YouTube videos? Where to buy YouTube views with cheap, affordable and real human? We will talk about it in this article.
2018 is considered to be a challenging and struggling year to make money for YouTube community. Google starts to mop up at the end of 2015-2016 so re-upload videos are almost prohibited.
Besides, new YouTube’s policies about money making that is difficult for channel owners: 4000 hours of watching time and 1000 subscribers.
Refer to this article: Challenges and Methods of Making Money on Youtube (Monetization Policy Updated)
Therefore moving to make video content and semi-content are what they YouTube is heading to in the recent years.
However, the number of views and subscribers for YouTube channel also plays an important role in the development of the channel.
- How to attract viewers to out YouTube videos?
- How to make YouTube video viewed by many people?
- How can your video be recommended by YouTube?
There are a lot of open questions that YouTuber have to answer for themselves
Should we buy views for YouTube videos?
I believe you have been asking this question for at least several times when considering boost views for YouTube videos
The answer is…YES, if you have money.
But you have to know how to buy views? Where to buy views? Because without a proper method of buying, you will lose money and also negatively be affected by Google (YouTube)
Blocking your channel for example, if Google finds out that views unnaturally rise from untrustworthy services.
You should consider before buying YouTube views :
- What is the purpose of buying views?
- Where is the reliable provider/sellers to buy YouTube views?
- Instructions on where to buy YouTube views?
You will buy YouTube views in order that your videos have more trustworthy views or buy views to support SEO. The number of views in videos is on either the most important elements for your video to rank high. More views also means it is easier for you to SEO your video to the top. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the best views source to avoid the risk of your YouTube channel being blocked.
Buy views for your Youtube videos if you have money to invest and when your channel doesn’t have a large number of subscribers or trustworthiness. Or when your YouTube channel is newly created, the number of subscribers and views are obviously a few.
If you ever read about the complete YouTube video SEO methods. Among them, views on videos, engagement between our videos and recommended videos and especially watching time are greatly important. These are some very vital elements contributing to your video being ranked highly (Recommended/Trending) on YouTube. Therefore you can buy views for YouTube to be recommended by it.
As you know, there are millions of videos being uploaded to YouTube everyday. Your video when uploaded would “shrink” and is nearly viewed by nobody.
Even though you try to share your video to social media, fan page, forum, etc (free YouTube views) it is meaningless since you don’t know whether they watch your video or not?
Day by day, you patiently boost 30-50 views ?
Too hard to be patient and too tiring?
Therefore, you want to buy views for YouTube video:
- To have more views
- Videos with a lot of views are highly ranked by searching tools, triggering users and are easier to be at the top
- Easy to register with Google Adsense
- Easier to join Youtube Network
What to notice when buying YouTube view
Nowadays, using service of providing views for YouTube videos is becoming more popular.
You can search on Google and find out that there are a lot of services of boosting views, subscribers, comments, likes for Youtube videos and advertisements from different providers. Anymore, you can buy backlinks, promotion…to boost your YouTube channel that’s great.
However, not every provider is qualified. If you’re not careful, your channel can be blocked.
Notice when buying YouTube views:
- Check out good source/vendor to avoid your channel being blocked/dead channel (it is the result when Google detects the views are unnaturally boosted from untrustworthy services)
- Choose a reliable view seller with a reasonable price. It’s recommended not to buy from places without origin. Carefully pick out sellers/vendors as well as review, rating their history of selling views before considering to buy.
- Avoid services that provide a surprisingly cheap price. For example: $1 for 5000-10,000 views needs to be re-examined. Cheap things come with cheap quality.
- Upload videos and set it is on Unlisted mode, after successfully purchasing then set it is on Public (safer)
- Turn off money making for videos (Select Video -> Click Actions -> More actions -> Monetization -> Select Off -> Click Submit) in in the time of buying views. After finishing turn on monetization again in order not to violate Google Adsense’s policy.
- You should purchase at least 1000 views and not too many views (less than 10,000 views), which is both costly and easily detected by Google. Everything lies in your strategy and is all up to your decision.
- Don’t ever use view boosting tools to increase views or make money from YouTube.
- Other parameters: look at Analytics section on your YouTube channel to observe if views are stable or not: average viewed time, views source from what country, low or high speed, strong or weak intensity (views per hour) to compare with other view sources/providers. Then you can decide which is the best provider to purchase from.
- …
Number of views is not as important as the time watched
You can use these as references:
To optimise watching time for Youtube videos:
Your channel is more highly ranked when you accumulate longer the time watched. And your YouTube channel is more optimised/rank when the total of time is more developed.
Tip: to increase the watching time in all of the videos, recently there are a lot of channels making videos with duration 1.5 or 2 minutes, with a lot of views and stay at the top. This is obvious.
Reliable providers/services buy YouTube views (Where to buy views)
There are many websites providing service of buying views, likes, comments, subscribers for YouTube.
However, if you choose carefully the YouTube views boosting service.
Below are some good and trustworthy websites that we recommend you to buy views for your YouTube videos:
Depending on difference view boosting services we have different prices and qualities.
QQtube is a good choice for you when buying YouTube, Instagram, TikTok…views, likes….
Every service or providers has different cost and quality for example at Fiverr, the quality is great but costs $5 per order.
Therefore with the motto of sharing the best and the cheapest and we advise you to buy from QQtube (best choice) or SEOClerks
Simply at SEOClerks you can buy 2500 views tug just $2, instead of paying $5-$10 at Fiverr. The quality doesn’t differentiate much.
After buying YouTube views (or buying likes, comments…) successfully, which means your video has a certain number of views (likes, comments) you will switch to the Public mode and start to advertise your video by sharing to Google+, Facebook, Twitter….
At this time, people can see that your video is just uploaded for a few minutes but already have an impressive number of views, comments and likes. They are elements helping YouTube to evaluate your video quality and rank the video.
Above are out sharing about how to buy views or boost views for your videos on YouTube. When your YouTube channel is developing, ranking with the number of views, subscribers, videos… You can make money from it that’s a legitimate way to earn money online on the internet without spending any money (even it’s a passive income business).
The knowledge might be familiar to some of you but is necessary for those who are in need of view boosting service for YouTube videos.
Leave your comment below if you have any other ideas.
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Eliana Ana
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